Have you visited the website for the General Board of Discipleship?
What is there? A wealth of information about United Methodist History, ideas for teaching, ministry opportunities, and other great resources.
Check out "Chuck Knows Church"
He is a minister with short videos about different things related to church and our Christian faith. Each video segment only lasts about 3-5 minutes and you can download the videos to your computer. A great tool for confirmation classes!

The Upper Room magazine’s mission is to provide a model of practical Christianity, accessible in varied formats, to help people feel invited and welcomed into God’s presence to:
- listen to scripture as God’s personal message, linking their stories to God’s story;
- commune with God in prayer;
- see their daily choices and small acts of obedience as part of God’s work;
- realize our connection through Christ as a universal family of believers;
- encounter the living Christ and be transformed into Christ’s likeness.